If you are sitting at home, thinking what to do ? Then here is a fun send otp prank for you that you can play on your friends family by sending OTP messages also know as OTP prank. Now before we talk about how to do this trick, I would like to warn you this trick is just for fun purpose. If someone is using this app for revenge purposes neihter the developer nor I are responsible for it.
So use this app just for some harmless fun.

SMS Bombing

SMS bombing is a trick through which you can send OTP prank messages to your friends in just a single click. As the name suggests SMS Bombing is sending a bomb of OTP (One time password) messages. These OTP messages will be from various services that you commonly see. The best part about this trick is that you can do this with a single click, using sms bomber apps or website

How to do it?
1. Use Website
2. Use app (BOMBitUP)

The link to both these will be given at the end.

Using Website

The very basic way of sms bombing is using website. I’ll provide a link to a website that you can use. This website isn’t made by me of affiliated by me in any means, so it’s upon you if you wish to use if or not. The issue with the website is that you can only send 10 sms per click. So you can only execute a loop of 10 sms on a single attempt.
Press here to go to website

Using App (BOMBitUP)

This method is my favorite method to do this prank because the use of app makes this more simpler. The best part is that using this app you can send more than 10 sms per loop through this app you can send about 120 sms per loop.
Along with all this there are many other features available in the app that you can use. The one feature that stands out is Protection List. More about that below. The latest version of this app supports countries-

  • 1.India
  • 2.U.S.
  • 3.U.K.
  • 4.Nepal
  • 5.Philippines
  • 6.Pakistan
  • 7.Bangladesh

To Download the app press here:

How to Protect Yourself from this?

As I earlier said that there is a another amazing feature in this app Protection List. Using this feature you can protect your number from any sms bombing attacks from this website. All you need to do is to open protection list in app and save in your number. That’s it your number is now safe from SMS bombing.

The count of sms sent may vary from the orignal count. for every 10 messages only 4-5 will be recieved.
For more details watch the video below:

Send Continous OTP SMS in a Single Click  2020 | SMS Bombing prank | Hindi